Our VIP seller


Join our VIP Seller Program for a premier home selling experience in Northeast Arkansas. Get a free report of your home’s value based on local comparables and current market conditions.

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Sell your home with us

Get a free report of your home’s value based on local comparables and current market conditions.

Why sell

with us

Experience a redefined approach to selling your home with Dustin White Realty. With an extensive track record of dedicated service in Northeast Arkansas, we've established a strong reputation for excellence. Our team's unmatched local knowledge and a consistent 100% client satisfaction rate underscore our dedication to ensuring a seamless and rewarding selling experience for you.

From understanding your property's unique qualities to skillfully negotiating the best terms and ensuring a hassle-free closing, count on us to be by your side. Our aim isn't just to sell a house but to help you find the perfect buyer – someone who appreciates your home's value and fits seamlessly into its story.

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Our Selling


Initial Consultation

We begin with an in-depth discussion to understand your goals, timelines, and specific needs. Our team conducts a comprehensive evaluation of your property, assessing its unique features and potential areas for enhancement to maximize its market value.

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Strategic Pricing Strategy

Leveraging our market expertise and in-depth analysis, we develop a strategic pricing strategy that aligns with current market conditions and ensures your home stands out competitively.

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Tailored Marketing Plan

We craft a personalized marketing plan designed to showcase your property's strengths. This includes professional photography, virtual tours, targeted online and offline advertising, and exposure through our network and multiple listing services (MLS).

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Property Enhancement Guidance

To maximize your home's appeal, we provide guidance on staging, repairs, and improvements that can elevate its marketability and attract potential buyers.

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Facilitating Showings and Open Houses

Our team manages and schedules showings and open houses at your convenience. We ensure a welcoming and informative experience for prospective buyers, highlighting the unique features and benefits of your home.

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Skillful Negotiation and Offer Management

When offers start coming in, we expertly negotiate on your behalf, considering not only the price but also terms, contingencies, and timelines. We keep you informed at every step, empowering you to make informed decisions.

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Closing Support

As the sale progresses towards closing, we coordinate with all parties involved, including attorneys, inspectors, appraisers, and lenders, ensuring a smooth and timely transaction. We guide you through the closing process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in place for a successful sale.

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"Keep me updated with new listings."
"JC Cox is amazing. Helped us buy our first home, as well as helping me work through selling an estate of a loved one. Not only personable but stayed on top of showings, lawyers, works night day and we
"Courtney Harris is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. She could not have been more helpful and caring!"
"I will always recommend Dustin White and Ryan Ivy at DWR! They literally handled all the stress of selling and buying a house for us! With any hurdle that got in the way, they handled calmly and made
"Dustin and Evan both went above and beyond for my dad to be able to buy a home we would recommend them to anyone. Dustin worked really hard with the loan process and Evan did a wonderful job helping f
"JC Cox is an amazing realtor. He helped me buy and sell two homes while I lived in NE Arkansas and made the whole process very simple for me. I would HIGHLY recommend JC to anyone"

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